The Crucible
Stevenson was transformed into a Salem Courthouse for our performance of The Crucible, led by Performing Arts teacher Jackie Silvestri. A few weeks later, the student performers were invited to take part in a “bewitching” cast party! Students traveled downtown to The Cauldron to take part in a high tea experience unlike any other, entitled “Wizard Tea,” where finger sandwiches and scones were handed out with tea making supplies and a magic wand at each table. The field trip was planned out and implemented by Jackie, who looked for something relevant to the play’s contexts. The staff at The Cauldron was so excited to hear about the students’ recent work, they even invited them to perform some of their favorite moments at the venue (which they did!). Students were able to reflect on their experiences performing at the celebration, which was a ton of fun. Below are some quotes from students who took part in the production and were able to reflect on their experiences at The Crucible Cast Party:
“I enjoyed rehearsing and performing for The Crucible a lot! It was very serious for my first time acting in a play, but it was fun. The costumes were awesome and it was nice making friends through theater class!”
“I had a very enjoyable experience with performing in the play, The Crucible. Wearing the fantastic costumes brought so much excitement to my mind. Overall, The Crucible had very few flaws and I loved developing my character, Reverend Parris.”
“I really enjoyed doing The Crucible. It was really satisfying to actually put it on its feet. Costume day was one of the best parts. There were parts that were frustrating, the drilling of the same parts over and over, but I thought the outcome was pretty good.”
“I had a great time doing The Crucible! Although it was a little tedious having to sit outside of class for most periods, when I did get to perform it was very fulfilling. I'm used to doing theater in big groups so doing it in a smaller group was very different. It was nice though.”
“Performing in The Crucible was the best theater experience of my life. The play, itself, was intriguing and provides a lesson about how harmful false accusations are. I was very excited to play Mary Warren, but it was the hardest role I've ever had. It took a lot for me to act as her, but I had no regrets. Playing such a tough role improved my acting, and it was a thrill for me. Seeing how much the audience loved the show made me proud of myself, the other actors, and Jackie. The costumes were beautiful, and I grew a deep connection to the play. This is an experience I'll carry with me for the rest of my life.”
“I had a lovely time in Arthur Miller's The Crucible! Truly, even though I did not have much of a role, I was very happy to be afforded the chance to be in a school production! It's been a very long time for me, and screaming and writhing is not a bad way to debut. I loved being backstage seeing the cast get ready and go on and all that!”
“Doing this play was rough. It was hard work, scary, and confusing, but it was so rewarding. I had a lot of fun. I loved the goofy costumes and doing my makeup like another Stevenson teacher. Most of all, I loved performing with my friends. I'm excited to work together in the future.”